Materijali za studente (Erasmus+ projekt, Katarina Bogatić)

Odsjek za pedagogiju

Jedan od rezultata Erasmus+ projekta pod nazivom Child-Centred Competences for Early Childhood Education and Care na kojemu sudjeluje asistentica Katarina Bogatić je e-knjiga namijenjena razvijanju kompetencije usmjerenosti na dijete kod studenata ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja, kao i svih drugih koji rade s djecom rane i predškolske dobi unutar odgojno-obrazovnoga sustava, ali i izvan njega. Ovaj koristan resurs nalazi se na sljedećoj poveznici:
Šifra projekta: 2019-1-UK01-KA203-061665
Trajanje projekta: Od 1. listopada 2019. do 31. prosinca 2021. godine
Nositelj projekta: University of Plymouth (Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo)
Partneri na projektu: Via University College (Danska)  Early Childhood Ireland (Irska), University of A Coruña (Španjolska), University of Trieste (Italija), UFZG (Hrvatska), Babeș-Bolyai University (Rumunjska), The British Association for Early Childhood Education (Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo).
Sažetak projeka: Higher Education (HE) training is associated with the quality of early childhood education and care (ECEC). Despite growing European research exploring key competences for ECEC, competence frameworks for HE ECEC students and support for the self-evaluation of competences are still emerging. One particular competence – child-centredness – is highlighted as important for working with children and underpinning effective, quality pedagogy, but it is a term that is variably interpreted and students struggle to know what it looks like in practice. This project developed a child-centred competences framework, presented as a matrix to facilitate students in their self-evaluation of competences, alongside innovative, open access, online training to support students in acquiring and developing their child-centred competences. Additional online resources were developed for mentors to facilitate their role in supporting students in the development of child-centrednes.