Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek
L. Jägera 9, HR – 31 000 Osijek
e-mail: anafora@ffos.hr
ISSN 1849-2339 (Print)/ 2459-5160 (Online) / DOI: https://doi.org/10.29162/ANAFORA
Dear colleagues,
We invite you to contribute to the thematic issue of the Anafora scientific journal, titled Who Is the Author? Categories and Concepts of Literary Authorship, to be published in December 2023.
Despite the reasonable expectation of the author being the communication triangle’s central figure, the main currents of twentieth-century literary theory dismissed or at best accepted the author as a liminal and fluid category. The ghostly figure of the author has haunted literary theory and criticism since the early twentieth century (New Criticism, Russian Formalism), only to implode mid-century on the sensitive issue of the author’s intention (Wimsatt and Beardsley “The Intentional Fallacy,” 1946). Finally, in the second half of the twentieth century, it led to a strong anti-author turn with Barthes (“The Death of the Author,” 1967) and Foucault (“What is an Author?” 1969), fitting into a wider “anti-humanist” scope of “decentering” the subject and the “death of man.” The author and the author’s intention have been eliminated from the process of scientific interpretation, yet, paradoxically, the “death of the author” have triggered the “birth of the author” as a scientific topic, with numerous substitute concepts (implicit author, abstract author, author of functions, model author), questioning of the hypothesis about their “death,” and the rise of new theoretical directions of intentionalism.
This thematic issue is open to research on the phenomenon of literary authorship in the broadest sense, from theoretical approaches to different concepts of authorship and the question of authorial intention, to concrete interpretations of different author categories (anonymous, pseudonymous, singular/collective, classic, canonical author, holy author in The Bible, etc.) in the texts of oral, written, and digital culture.
Manuscripts in Croatian, English, German, Hungarian, and Polish are to be submitted via the OJS app: https://naklada.ffos.hr/casopisi/anafora no later than 1 September 2023. All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed in accordance with criteria of objectivity, anonymity, and data confidentiality. Publication in our journal, indexed in the most important international databases (WoS, Scopus) and open-access databases (DOAJ, CEEOL), ensures high visibility and citation of articles. You can find the instructions for formatting, referencing, and other information on the journal’s website: https://anafora.ffos.hr/#.
We would appreciate receiving your working title before June on the following e-mail address: anafora@ffos.hr.
The Editorial Board