Second invitation to the 2nd International Scientific Conference ‘Global and Local Perspekctives of Pedagogy’
Dear colleagues
The Department of Pedagogy at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, the Department of Educational Sciences at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Centre for Scientific Work in Vinkovci, cordially invite you to the
2nd International Scientific Conference ‘Global and Local Perspectives of Pedagogy’
which will take place from June 11 to 13, 2025, at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Osijek.
Attached, you will find the details of the invitation, and all additional information about the conference can be found on the official conference website:
We look forward to meeting you in Osijek!
GLPP2 – second call (PDF)
Advance Notice Summer School Bovec 2025
The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Osijek organizes the Summer School Bovec together with partner universities from Europe. The two-week Summer School will be held from 13. to 27. July 2025. All information about the application to the summer school can be found in the following documents:
Advance Notice Summer School Bovec Short
Advance Notice Summer School Bovec Long
Summer School Bovec General Topic
Take a look at the short promotional video about the Summer School:
In 2024 we celebrated the 30th anniversary of the Summer School Bovec:
Invitation to the 2nd International Scientific Conference ‘Global and Local Perspectives of Pedagogy’
Dear colleagues
The Department of Pedagogy at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, the Department of Educational Sciences at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Centre for Scientific Work in Vinkovci, cordially invite you to the
2nd International Scientific Conference ‘Global and Local Perspectives of Pedagogy’
which will take place from June 11 to 13, 2025, at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Osijek.
Attached, you will find the details of the invitation, and all additional information about the conference can be found on the official conference website:
We look forward to meeting you in Osijek!
Postgraduate university study programme in Literature and Cultural Identity
The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia, announces the call for the enrolment of 20 students in the Postgraduate University Study Programme in Literature and Cultural Identity s in the academic field of humanities, academic discipline of philology.
The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia (hereafter: the Faculty) is opening a Call for two scholarships for students enrolling for the first time in the first year of the Postgraduate university study programme Literature and Cultural Identity in the academic field of humanities, academic discipline of philology, academic branch literary theory and history. The scholarship will be awarded in the form of a fee waiver according to the general conditions and criteria explained in the following Call.
Postgraduate university study programme in Linguistics
The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia, announces the call for the enrolment of 20 students in the Postgraduate University Study Programme in Linguistics in the academic field of humanities, academic discipline of philology.
The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia (hereafter: the Faculty) is opening a Call for two scholarships for students enrolling for the first time in the first year of the Postgraduate university study programme in Linguistics in the academic field of humanities, academic discipline of philology. The scholarship will be awarded in the form of a fee waiver according to the general conditions and criteria explained in the following Call.
Second International Scientific Conference “Innovative Approaches in Education and Care”
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the Second International Scientific Conference entitled “Innovative Approaches in Education and Care” organized by the Doctoral University Study Programme Pedagogy and Contemporary School Culture, together with the Association of graduate students of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek. The conference will take place on November 15th and 16th, 2024.
The purpose of this conference is to bring together scientists and experts from various fields of education who will enrich the discussion with their personal knowledge and experience, as well as to draw the attention of all stakeholders in the field of education to the importance of creating changes in the educational system. Innovative approaches in the learning and teaching process as well as conceptualizing the roles of preschool teachers, teachers at all levels, school leaders, students and parents, as well as the local community are of utmost importance for improving and ensuring the sustainability of the quality of the education system.
Conference participants will seek to provide answers to questions on innovative pedagogical and interdisciplinary approaches and reforms of the education system at all levels of education (early and preschool, primary, secondary and tertiary or higher education) as well as lifelong learning in order to monitor current trends in education policy and practice.
The conference will consist of plenary lectures, oral presentations, poster sections and social events. We kindly invite you to register your participation by submitting abstracts of your scientific papers, projects or experiences on the theme or sub-theme of the conference. Further information can be found at
Chair of the Organizing Committee:
Emanuela Ham
Chair of the Program Committee:
Monika Terlević
Deadline for abstract submission: June 24, 2024 July 19, 2024 September 27, 2024
Notice of abstract acceptance by: July 5, 2024 July 26, 2024 October 4, 2024
Registration of participants and payment of the registration fee (EUR 80.00) until: July 15, 2024 September 10, 2024 October 11, 2024
Holding of the conference: November 15-16, 2024
Submission of complete work by: December 31, 2024
Steps to follow:
- Send application and summary to e-mail:
- Receive notification of abstract acceptance and instructions for preparing an oral presentation/poster presentation.
- Complete the application by paying the registration fee (80.00 EUR).
- Prepare an oral presentation or poster presentation.
- Get to the venue of the conference (Faculty of Philosophy, Osijek).
- Send complete work in English only to e-mail:
Conference languages: Croatian and English.
See instructions for the summary HERE.
One participant at the conference can register and present a maximum of two scientific papers.
The oral presentation is scheduled for 10 minutes for each paper.
The presentation must be sent 2 days earlier to e-mail:
The printed poster must be brought to the Conference.
Instructions for making posters can be found HERE.
Posters will be exhibited during the Conference.
Registration fee per participant: EUR 80.00.
Payment of the registration fee by: July 15, 2024.
The registration fee does not include accommodation and travel expenses.
Data for registration fee payment:
Association of graduate students of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Osijek
Lorenza Jägera 9
31 000 Osijek
OIB: 22147257117
MB: 4882750
IBAN: HR6723600001102680614
When making a payment, it is necessary to state the name and surname of the participant or the name of the institution that pays the registration fee, as well as the name and surname of the participant.
Emanuela Ham, Chair of the Organizing Committee
Ana Maria Marinac, Secretary of the Organizing Committee
Nikolina Ferenčak, member of the Organizing Committee
Monika Gudlin, member of the Organizing Committee
Martin Hadelan, member of the Organizing Committee
Zrinka Liščić, member of the Organizing Committee
Đurđica Stanešić, member of the Organizing Committee
Ena Stevović Havaić, member of the Organizing Committee
Iva Šlogar, member of the Organizing Committee
Monika Terlević, member of the Organizing Committee
Kristina Vokić, member of the Organizing Committee
Martina Župančić, member of the Organizing Committee
Association of graduate students of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek
Monika Terlević, Chair of the Program Committee
Martin Hadelan, Secretary of the Program Committee
Full Professor Branko Bognar, PhD, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University Of Osijek
Full Professor Goran Livazović, PhD, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University Of Osijek
Full Professor Marija Sablić, PhD, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University Of Osijek
Full Professor Siniša Opić, Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb
Full Professor Neven Hrvatić, Faculty of Croatian Studies, University of Zagreb
Full Professor Ante Kolak, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb
Full Professor Ivana Batarelo Kokić, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science in Split
Full Professor Vesna Kovač, PhD, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka
Full Professor Linda Daniela, PhD, Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art, University of Latvia (Latvia)
Full Professor Marta Kowalczuk-Walędziak, PhD, University of Bialystok (Poljska)
Full Professor Jurka Lepičnik-Vodopivec, PhD, Oddelek za edukacijske vede, Univerza na Primorskem, Pedagoška fakulteta (Slovenija)
Associate Professor Renata Jukić, PhD, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University Of Osijek
Associate Professor Davide Parmigiani, PhD, University of Genoa (Italija)
Associate Professor Ivana Visković, PhD, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split
Associate Professor Marina Diković, PhD, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula
Associate Professor Adrijana Višnjić Jevtić, PhD, Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb
Assistant Professor Senka Žižanović, PhD, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University Of Osijek
Assistant Professor Sara Kakuk Fridl, PhD, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University Of Osijek
Assistant Professor Sanja Simel Pranjić, PhD, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University Of Osijek
Assistant Professor Ana Mirosavljević, PhD, University of Slavonski Brod
Assistant Professor Katarina Habe, PhD, University of Ljubljana (Slovenija)
Assistant Professor Danijela Blanuša Trošelj, PhD, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula
Katarina Bogatić, PhD, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University Of Osijek
Nemanja Spasenovski, PhD, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University Of Osijek
Mia Filipov, PhD, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University Of Osijek
Nikolina Ferenčak, PhD student, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University Of Osijek
Monika Gudlin, PhD student, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University Of Osijek
Emanuela Ham, PhD student, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University Of Osijek
Zrinka Liščić, PhD student, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University Of Osijek
Branka Lujić, PhD student, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University Of Osijek
Ana Maria Marinac, PhD student, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University Of Osijek
Nikolina Matić, PhD student, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University Of Osijek
Ozrenka Meštrović, PhD student, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University Of Osijek
Iva Šlogar, PhD student, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University Of Osijek
Anafora: Call for Papers
Dear colleagues,
Anafora is an academic journal published by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Osijek, which publishes categorized scholarly research (original research articles, preliminary communications, and review articles) as well as book reviews and essays in the field of literature and related areas within humanities and social sciences. We invite you to submit and participate in shaping the open, non-thematic issue of the journal, which is entering its 11th year of regular publication (XI, 1).
Papers in Croatian, English, German, Hungarian and Polish are submitted via the OJS application: and undergo a standard “double-blind” review process in accordance with the criteria of objectivity, anonymity and data confidentiality . Publication in our journal, indexed in the most important international databases (WoS, Scopus) and open access databases (DOAJ, CEEOL), ensures high visibility and citation of articles. You can find guidelines for manuscript preparation, referencing and other information on the journal’s website .
Deadline for submissions: 30 April 2024.
Expected date of publication: 30 June 2024.
For any further information or inquiry, please contact us at:
Editorial Board of Anafora
Sehr geehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
Anafora ist eine wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Philosophischen Fakultät in Osijek, in der kategorisierte wissenschaftliche Beiträge (originale wiss. Beiträge, wiss. Mitteilungen, Übersichtsbeiträge) sowie Buchbesprechungen aus dem Bereich der Literaturwissenschaft und verwandten wiss. Bereichen veröffentlicht werden. Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, mit Ihren Beiträgen am offenen, nicht thematisch bestimmten Heft (XI, 1) mitzuwirken, mit dem die Zeitschrift in ihren elften Jahrgang einschreitet.
Beiträge in kroatischer, englischer, deutscher, ungarischer und polnischer Sprache werden über die OJS-App eingereicht und einem Doppelblind-Gutachten unterzogen, bei dem strenge Maßstäbe der Objektivität, Anonymität und des Datenschutzes eingehalten werden. Eine Veröffentlichung in unserer Zeitschrift, die in den wichtigsten Datenbanken indexiert ist (WoS, Scopus) sowie in Datenbanken von Open-Access-Zeitschriften (DOAJ, CEEOL) zugänglich ist, gewährleistet gesteigerte Sichtbarkeit und Reichweite der Beiträge. Eine Anleitung zur Gestaltung von Beiträgen sowie andere wichtige Informationen finden Sie auf der Homepage .
Abgabefrist: 30. April 2024
Voraussichtliche Veröffentlichung des Heftes: 30. Juni 2024.
Bei sonstigen Anfragen schreiben Sie an:
13 – 15 June 2024
Osijek (Croatia)
International Conference Evliya Çelebi and Eastern Croatia under Ottoman rule
Date of conference: November 14–15, 2024
Location: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Osijek, Croatia
As of June 2023 the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is a proud partner of seeFField!
seeFField (Strengthening Southeast European Studies in Regensburg) is an Area Studies initiative aiming at strengthening Southeast European Studies in Regensburg. The goal is to teach and do research about the region together with scholars and partners in the region.
Senior and junior scholars from the region are invited to teach and develop new research and intensify international partnerships through joint academic events. Non-academic audiences are engaged in actions and students given support in developing expertise in the field and acquiring language skills.
The project’s duration is 7 years (2022-2029) and is financed by the Volkswagen Foundation, with additional funding from the Universität Regensburg and the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS).
Project website:
Anafora: Call for papers
ISSN 1849-2339 (Print)/ 2459-5160 (Online) / DOI:
We invite you to contribute to the thematic issue of the Anafora scientific journal, titled Who Is the Author? Categories and Concepts of Literary Authorship, to be published in December 2023. Read the whole call here:
Manuscripts in Croatian, English, German, Hungarian, and Polish are to be submitted via the OJS app: no later than 1 September 2023. All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed in accordance with criteria of objectivity, anonymity, and data confidentiality. Publication in our journal, indexed in the most important international databases (WoS, Scopus) and open-access databases (DOAJ, CEEOL), ensures high visibility and citation of articles. You can find the instructions for formatting, referencing, and other information on the journal’s website:
We would appreciate receiving your working title before June on the following e-mail address: