Erasmus savjetovalište / Erasmus Student Service Center

S obzirom na rastuću potrebu za informacijama u vezi odlazne i dolazne mobilnosti studenata, u listopadu 2014. godine osnovano je Erasmus savjetovalište.
Savjetovalište je osnovano na inicijativu studentica Filozofskog fakulteta uz potporu Uprave Filozofskog fakulteta i Studentskog zbora Filozofskog fakulteta, a koji će biti aktivni suradnici na ovome projektu.

Erasmus savjetovalište djelovat će kao organizacija studenata u svrhu vršnjačke potpore pri dolaznoj i odlaznoj mobilnosti studenata te informiranja studenata o mogućnostima studentske razmjene u okviru Erasmus programa. 

Više informacija dostupno je na linkovima dolje:


Erasmus Student Service Center is run by the studentadvisors of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (FFOS). Student Advisors are senior students, i.e. peer mentors from each of the Departments of FFOS, who are here to give you FFOS-specific guidance as/before you get settled in your new environment.

We will help you to familiarize yourself with the services and issues that will become part of your everyday life (finding your way around our Faculty building, the Office for Student Affairs, libraries, student’s dormitories, canteen etc.). We will also help you navigate through the administrative work during you first days at FFOS (registering for a Moodle account, applying for a student ID card, the so-called “X-card”, helping you with your course schedule, etc.).

More info is available on hyperlinks below: