The Center for North American Studies at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Osijek is designed as a platform for interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, and multi-methodological research in the fields of history, culture, literature, politics, media, and language of the United States and Canada. It will support, encourage, and participate in projects of bilateral and multilateral cooperation and exchange in the field of North American studies and create a forum for scientists, students, and external collaborators involved in literary and cultural studies, linguistic, socio-historical, and other projects.
Our Mission
The mission of the Center for North American Studies at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Osijek is to:
- strengthen research ties and harness cooperation with North American as well as regional and European centers and institutes for North American studies
- become an established center of excellence for interdisciplinary research projects and individual research in the field of North American history, culture, literature, politics, media, and language.
Our Vision
The vision of the Center for North American Studies at the of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Osijek is to:
- become a leading regional research center in the field of North American studies.
Our Goals
The Center seeks to:
- become a social and academic analysis networking site that will contribute to the dissemination of knowledge on North American history, literature, culture, politics, language, and media;
- establish cooperation with North American academic and research institutions;
- establish cooperation with regional academic and research institutions in the field of North American history, literature, culture, language, media, and politics;
- establish cooperation with European academic and research institutions in the field of North American history, literature, culture, language, media, and politics;
- establish cooperation with Croatian academic and research institutions in the field of North American history, literature, culture, language, media, and politics;
- establish cooperation with local social, cultural, educational, and economic institutions;
- advance the production of knowledge and foster dialogue and critical analysis by proposing and participating in research projects, organizing academic conferences, publishing scholarly papers and other publications, organizing summer schools, holding public lectures, workshops, round tables, and other forms of academic popularization;
- train young scholars and students for research work in the field of North American studies.
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Osijek
Lorenza Jägera 9, HR − 31 000 Osijek
tel. +385 31 211 400
fax. +385 31 212 514