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Gordana Dukić
prof. dr. sc. , trajni izbor
redoviti profesor
MB znanstvenika: 260082
Područje znanosti: Društvene znanosti
Marketing u informacijskim ustanovama
Marketing u nakladništvu i knjižarstvu
Upravljanje informacijskim ustanovama
Projektni menadžment
Doktor znanosti (Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Ekonomski fakultet, 2006.)
Poslijediplomski studij Upravljanje poduzećem (Management) – magistar znanosti (Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Ekonomski fakultet, 1998.)
Dodiplomski studij ekonomije – diplomirani ekonomist (Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Ekonomski fakultet, 1995.)
Područje interesa
Management, sustavi podrške odlučivanju, upravljački informacijski sustavi, kvantitativne metode, upravljanje marketingom, simulacijski modeli, vjerojatnost, statistika.
Suradnica na projektu “Regionalno sveučilište” (br. 010-0101427-0837) čiji je voditelj Dražen Barković (2007-)
Dodiplomski studij – stipendija Fondacije Cesare Khouzama, koja je dodjeljivana najboljim studentima Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku
Poslijediplomski studij – stipendija Instituta Otvoreno društvo – Hrvatska, koja je dodjeljivana najboljim studentima poslijediplomskih i doktorskih studija u Republici Hrvatskoj
Postupak stjecanja doktorata znanosti – potpora za permanentnu edukaciju Osječko-baranjske županije, koja je dodjeljivana najboljim studentima s područja županije
- Dukić, D., Dukić, G., Kvesić, Lj.: “A Credit Scoring Decision Support System”, 33rd International Conference “Information Technology Interfaces”, Cavtat, Dubrovnik, June 27-30, 2011., in Luzar-Stiffler, V., Jarec, I., Bekic, Z. (eds.): Proceedings of the ITI 2011, SRCE University Computing Centre, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, 2011., pp. 391-396.
- Dukić, G., Turkalj, D., Bodražić, B.: “The Purposes of Croatian Managers’ Computer Usage”, 33rd International Conference “Information Technology Interfaces”, Cavtat, Dubrovnik, June 27-30, 2011., in Luzar-Stiffler, V., Jarec, I., Bekic, Z. (eds.): Proceedings of the ITI 2011, SRCE University Computing Centre, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, 2011., pp. 397-402.
- Dukić, G., Sesar, I., Rob, K.: “Decision Making Model on Bakery Product Range Based on Stochastic Sum-of-Ratios Fractional Programming”, 5th International Congress “Flour – Bread ’09”, Opatija, October 21-23, 2009., in Ugarčić-Hardi, Ž. (ed.): Congress Proceedings, University of J.J. Strossmayer in Osijek – Faculty of Food Technology in Osijek, Osijek, 2010., pp. 167-176.
- Dukić, G., Sesar, M., Sesar, I.: “Analysis of Consumer Attitudes Toward Puffed Pastry Products as Support to Marketing Management”, 5th International Congress “Flour – Bread ’09”, Opatija, October 21-23, 2009., in Ugarčić-Hardi, Ž. (ed.): Congress Proceedings, University of J.J. Strossmayer in Osijek – Faculty of Food Technology in Osijek, Osijek, 2010., pp. 578-586.
- Penny, K.I., Dukić, G., Dukić, D.: “Knowledge Management: Information and Communication Technologies Usage in Scottish and Croatian Students”, 32nd International Conference “Information Technology Interfaces”, Cavtat, Dubrovnik, June 21-24, 2010., in Luzar-Stiffler, V., Jarec, I., Bekic, Z. (eds.): Proceedings of the ITI 2010, SRCE University Computing Centre, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, 2010., pp. 385-390.
- Dukić, G., Bojmić, L.: “Internet Use by Croatian Managers”, 32nd International Conference “Information Technology Interfaces”, Cavtat, Dubrovnik, June 21-24, 2010., in Luzar-Stiffler, V., Jarec, I., Bekic, Z. (eds.): Proceedings of the ITI 2010, SRCE University Computing Centre, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, 2010., pp. 459-464.
- Dukić, G. , Andrijanić, G.: “Analysis of Perception of Certain Employment Aspects, Work Conditions and Commitment Among Croatian Managers”, in Bacher, U., Barković, D., Dernoscheg, K.-H., Lamza-Maronić, M., Matić, B., Pap, N., Runzheimer, B. (eds.): “Interdisciplinary Management Research VI”, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek – Faculty of Economics in Osijek / Hochschule Pforzheim University, Osijek, 2010., pp. 70-85.
- Dukić, D., Dukić, G., Medarić, D.: “Eastern Croatian Managers’ Readiness for the Information Society”, 21st Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems (CECIIS 2010), Varaždin, September 22-24, 2010., in Aurer, B., Bača, M., Schatten, M. (eds.): CECIIS 2010 Proceedings, University of Zagreb – Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varaždin, 2010., pp. 111-118.
- Dukić, G., Hasenay, S., Mokriš Marendić, S.: “Analiza zadovoljstva korisnika/studenata u knjižnicama Prehrambeno-tehnološkog i Pravnog fakulteta te u Gradskoj i sveučilišnoj knjižnici Osijek”, Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske, Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo, istraživanje, god. LII, br. 1/4, Zagreb, 2009., str.172-187.
- Dukić, G., Sesar, M., Sesar, I.: “Inferential Statistics Methods and the Computer-Based Approach to Project Management”, The 13th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2009), Orlando (USA), July 10-13, 2009., in Callaos, N., Chu, H.-W., Lesso, W., Tzeng, J.-R., Zinn, C.D. (eds.): Proceedings, Volume I, International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, Orlando, 2009., pp. 46-51.
- Dukić, D., Dukić, G., Sesar, M.: “Analysis of Differences in Student Opinions as e-Learning Management Support”, 31st International Conference “Information Technology Interfaces”, Cavtat, Dubrovnik, June 22-25, 2009., in Luzar-Stiffler, V., Jarec, I., Bekic, Z. (eds.): Proceedings of the ITI 2009, SRCE University Computing Centre, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, 2009., pp. 363-368.
- Dukić, G., Sesar, I., Pašalić, T.: “Library Activities Management Based on a Simulation Queuing Model and an Aspiration Level Model Using Statistical Methods”, 31st International Conference “Information Technology Interfaces”, Cavtat, Dubrovnik, June 22-25, 2009., in Luzar-Stiffler, V., Jarec, I., Bekic, Z. (eds.): Proceedings of the ITI 2009, SRCE University Computing Centre, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, 2009., pp. 125-130.
- Dukić, G.: “Analysis of Differences in Attitudes Between Managers and Non-Managing Employees”, in Barković, D., Dernoscheg, K.-H., Lamza-Maronić, M., Matić, B., Pap, N., Runzheimer, B., Wentzel, D. (eds.): “Interdisciplinary Management Research V”, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek – Faculty of Economics in Osijek / Hochschule Pforzheim University, Osijek, 2009., pp. 329-339.
- Dukić, G., Dukić, D., Hasenay, S.: “Queuing Simulation Model as Library Management Support in Terms of Informatization”, The annual international conference and course Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA) 2009, Dubrovnik, Zadar, May 25-30, 2009., University of Zadar, Department of Library and Information Science / Rutgers University, School of Communication, Information and Library Studies, Zadar, 2009., pp. 104.-112.
- Dukić, G., Sesar, M., Turkalj, D.: “Analysis of Cereal Production in the Republic of Croatia”, 4th International Congress “Flour – Bread ’07”, Opatija, October 24-27, 2007., in Ugarčić-Hardi, Ž. (ed.): Congress Proceedings, University of J.J. Strossmayer in Osijek – Faculty of Food Technology in Osijek, Osijek, 2008., pp. 190-200.
- Dukić, D., Dukić, G., Sesar, M.: “Computer-Aided Simulation Model of Smoked Meat Inventory with Price Breaks”, 19th Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems (CECIIS 2008), Varaždin, September 24-26, 2008., in Aurer, B., Bača, M., Rabuzin, K. (eds.): Conference Proceedings, University of Zagreb – Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varaždin, 2008., pp. 375-380.
- Dukić, G., Tolušić, Z., Sesar, M.: “Stochastic Programming Model in Agricultural Production Decision Support System”, 19th Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems (CECIIS 2008), Varaždin, September 24-26, 2008., in Aurer, B., Bača, M., Rabuzin, K. (eds.): Conference Proceedings, University of Zagreb – Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varaždin, 2008., pp. 353-357.
- Dukić, G., Turkalj, D., Sesar, M.: “Sustav podrške marketing-odlučivanju baziran na teoriji igara”, Ekonomski vjesnik – časopis Ekonomskog fakulteta u Osijeku, Ekonomski fakultet u Osijeku, pregledni članak, god. XXI., br. 1 i 2, Osijek, prosinac 2008., str. 75-81.
- Dukić, G., Dukić, D., Alerić, I.: “Transportation Cost Assessment by Means of a Monte Carlo Simulation in a Transshipment Model”, preliminary communication, PROMET – Traffic&Transportation, Scientific Journal on Traffic and Transportation Research, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, Zagreb / Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za pomorstvo in promet, Portorož, Slovenia / Universita’ degli Studi di Trieste, Istituto per lo Studio dei Trasporti nell’ Integrazione Economica Europea, Trieste, Italy / Žilinská univerzita, Fakulta prevádzky a ekonomiky dopravy a spojov, Žilina, Slovakia / Univerzita Pardubice, Dopravni fakulta Jana Pernera, Pardubice, Czech Republic / Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Fakultet za saobraćaj i komunikacije, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Vol. 20, No. 5, 2008., pp. 301-307.
- Dukić, G., Dukić, D., Sesar, M.: “Exchange of Information in Croatian School System Based on Digital Communications Technology”, The 6th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications (EISTA 2008) in the context of the 2nd International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics (IMSCI 2008), Orlando (USA), June 29th – July 2nd, 2008., in Malpica, F., Tremante, A., Welsch, F., Tait, B. (eds.): Proceedings, Volume I, International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, Orlando, 2008., pp. 117-122.
- Dukić, G., Sesar, M.: “Using a Computer-Aided Travelling Salesman Model in Tourism Management Decision Making”, 4th International Conference “An Enterprise Odyssey: Tourism – Governance and Entrepreneurship”, Cavtat, June 11-14, 2008., in Galetić, L., Čavlek, N. (eds.): Proceedings, CD ROM with full papers, University of Zagreb – Faculty of Economics and Business, Zagreb, 2008., pp. 827-837.
- Dukić, G., Dukić, D., Babić, M.: “Formulation and Construction of a Decision-Making Model on Bakery Product Range”, 4th International Congress “Flour – Bread ’07”, Opatija, October 24-27, 2007., in Ugarčić-Hardi, Ž. (ed.): Congress Proceedings, University of J.J. Strossmayer in Osijek – Faculty of Food Technology in Osijek, Osijek, 2008., pp. 110-117.
- Dukić, G., Dukić, D., Sesar, M.: “Implementation of Computer-Aided Statistical Analysis in a Simulation Scheduling Model”, 30th International Conference “Information Technology Interfaces”, Cavtat, Dubrovnik, June 23-26, 2008., in Luzar-Stiffler, V., Hljuz Dubric, V., Bekic, Z. (eds.): Proceedings of the ITI 2008, SRCE University Computing Centre, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, 2008., pp. 203-208.
- Dukić, D., Dukić, G., Sesar, M.: “Portfolio Optimization Based on a Computer Simulation of Securities Rates of Return from the Bivariate Normal Distribution”, 30th International Conference “Information Technology Interfaces”, Cavtat, Dubrovnik, June 23-26, 2008., in Luzar-Stiffler, V., Hljuz Dubric, V., Bekic, Z. (eds.): Proceedings of the ITI 2008, SRCE University Computing Centre, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, 2008., pp. 197-202.
- Barković, D., Dukić, G., Dukić, D.: “Analysis of the Development of the University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek and its Role in Building the Information Society”, Fourth Interdisciplinary Symposium “Interdisciplinary Management Research IV”, Poreč, June 1-3, 2007., in Barković, D., Runzheimer, B. (eds.): Symposium Proceedings, University of J.J. Strossmayer in Osijek – Faculty of Economics in Osijek / Pforzheim University of Applied Science – Pforzheim Graduate School, Osijek, 2008., pp. 488-504.
- Dukić, D., Dukić, G., Sesar, M.: “Improvement of Agricultural Machinery Assignment Model by Computer Simulation”, original scientific paper, VII. Alps-Adria Scientific Workshop, Stara Lesna, Slovakia, April 28 – May 2, 2008., in Cereal Research Communications (CD ROM with full papers), Vol. 36, Szeged, Hungary, 2008., pp. 139-142.
- Dukić, G., Turkalj D.: “Rationalization of Cereal and Oil Crops Delivery Process by Means of Queuing Models”, 36. International Symposium on Agricultural Engineering “Actual Tasks on Agricultural Engineering”, Opatija, February 11-15, 2008., in Košutić, S. (ed.): Symposium Proceedings, University of Zagreb – Faculty of Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering Department, Zagreb, 2008., pp. 577-586.
- Dukić, G.: “Analiza stavova zaposlenika o razlozima neprijavljivanje prihoda temeljena na adekvatnoj podatkovnoj osnovi”, Ekonomski vjesnik – časopis Ekonomskog fakulteta u Osijeku, Ekonomski fakultet u Osijeku, prethodno priopćenje, god. XX., br. 1 i 2, Osijek, prosinac 2007., str. 77-87.
- Marić, T., Dukić, D., Dukić, G.: “Matematički model odlučivanja kao podrška upravljanju troškovima, vremenom i kvalitetom izgradnje primjenom regresijske analize”, izvorni znanstveni članak, Hrvatske vode – časopis za vodno gospodarstvo, Hrvatske vode, god. 15, br. 60, Zagreb, rujan 2007., str. 169-187.
- Dukić, G., Dukić, D., Sesar, M.: “A Model with Storage Limitation and Simulated Demand as Fresh Meat Inventory Management Support”, original scientific paper, 15th International Symposium “Animal Science Days”, Osijek, September 19-21, 2007., in AGRICULTURE Scientific and Professional Review, The Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek/Agricultural Institute Osijek, Vol. 13, Number 1, Osijek, June, 2007., pp. 222-225.
- Dukić, D., Dukić, G., Sesar, M.: “Development of Information Society in the Republic of Croatia Aimed at Increased Competitiveness”, The 3rd International Conference on Social and Organizational Informatics and Cybernetics (SOIC 2007) in the context of the International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics (IMSCI 2007), Orlando (USA), July 12-15, 2007., in Tremante, A., Malpica, F., Oropeza, A., Welsch, F., Carrasquero, J.V., Su, H.F. (eds.): Proceedings, Volume II, International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, Orlando, 2007., pp. 264-269.
- Dukić, D., Dukić, G., Turkalj, D.: “Računalna analiza modela otplate zajma”, Ekonomski vjesnik – časopis Ekonomskog fakulteta u Osijeku, Ekonomski fakultet u Osijeku, prethodno priopćenje, god. XIX., br. 1 i 2, Osijek, lipanj 2007., str. 55-63.
- Dukić, G., Dukić, D., Sesar, M.: “A Model of Establishing the Zagreb Stock Exchange Index CROBEX Determinants as an Element of Decision Support System for Investments and Macroeconomic Policies”, 29th International Conference “Information Technology Interfaces”, Cavtat, Dubrovnik, June 25-28, 2007., in Luzar-Stiffler, V., Hljuz Dubric, V. (eds.): Proceedings of the ITI 2007, SRCE University Computing Centre, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, 2007., pp. 113-118.
- Dukić, G., Dukić, D., Alerić, I.: “Computer Application in Statistical Analysis of the Influence of Education Level on the Perception of Economic and Social Issues”, Third Interdisciplinary Symposium “Interdisciplinary Management Research III”, Poreč, September 25-27, 2006., in Barković, D., Runzheimer, B. (eds.): Symposium Proceedings, University of J.J. Strossmayer in Osijek – Faculty of Economics in Osijek / Pforzheim University of Applied Science – Pforzheim Graduate School, Osijek, 2007., pp. 390-405.
- Dukić, D., Dukić, G., Turkalj, D.: “Computer Data Analysis Aimed at Constructing a Model of Establishing the Factors which Determine Households Savings in the Republic of Croatia”, Third Interdisciplinary Symposium “Interdisciplinary Management Research III”, Poreč, September 25-27, 2006., in Barković, D., Runzheimer, B. (eds.): Symposium Proceedings, University of J.J. Strossmayer in Osijek – Faculty of Economics in Osijek / Pforzheim University of Applied Science – Pforzheim Graduate School, Osijek, 2007., pp. 99-111.
- Dukić, D., Dukić, G., Alerić, I.: “Characteristics of Regional Development in the Republic of Croatia and Modelling a Database Aimed at its Monitoring and Preparing Adequate Measures of Economic and Social Policies”, 7th International Conference “Enterprise in Transition”, Split, May 24-26, 2007., in Reić, Z., Fredotović, M. (eds.): Book of Extended Abstracts, Faculty of Economics in Split, Split, 2007., pp. 255-258; CD ROM with full papers: Theme III: New Insights for Economics and Political Economy, Session III-1: EU Enlargement and Economic and Regional Development
- Dukić, D., Dukić, G., Sesar, M.: “Analysis of Traffic Corridors Influence on Economic Development and Integral Database Modelling”, 2nd International Conference on Ports and Waterways – POWA 2007 “Inland Waterway Transport Interoperability within European Transport System”, Vukovar, October 5-6, 2007., in Jolić, N. (ed.): Proceedings, CD ROM with full papers, University of Zagreb – Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, Zagreb, October, 2007., pp. 50-61.
- Dukić, D., Dukić, G., Babić, D.: “Simulation of Construction Project Activities Duration by Means of Beta PERT Distribution”, 18th International Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS 2007), Varaždin, September 12-14, 2007., in Aurer, B., Bača, M. (eds.): Conference Proceedings, University of Zagreb – Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varaždin, 2007., pp. 269-274.
- Dukić, G., Dukić, D.: “Determinants of Household Credit Indebtedness in the Republic of Croatia”, in Barković, D., Runzheimer, B. (eds.): Interdisciplinary Management Research II, University of J.J. Strossmayer in Osijek – Faculty of Economics in Osijek / Pforzheim University of Applied Science – Pforzheim Graduate School, Osijek, 2006., pp. 385-396.
- Dukić, D., Dukić, G., Gilja, J.: “Entrepreneurs from County of Vukovar-Sirmium and their Perception of the Importance of the Traffic Corridor Vc”, 3rd International Scientific Symposium “Corridor Vc as Euro-Regional Connection on the Traffic Rout Baltic Sea – Central Europe – Adriatic Sea”, Osijek, Vukovar, October 6-8, 2006., in Mašek, A. (ed.): Symposium Proceedings, University of J.J. Strossmayer in Osijek – Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Osijek, 2006., pp. 197-208.
- Dukić, G., Dukić, D., Alerić, I.: “Applying Queuing Models in the Rationalization of Usage of the Road Traffic Corridor Vc”, 3rd International Scientific Symposium “Corridor Vc as Euro-Regional Connection on the Traffic Rout Baltic Sea – Central Europe – Adriatic Sea”, Osijek, Vukovar, October 6-8, 2006., in Mašek, A. (ed.): Symposium Proceedings, University of J.J. Strossmayer in Osijek – Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Osijek, 2006., pp. 134-144.
- Dukić, D., Dukić, G., Babić, M.: “Efficiency Assessment Model of ICT Implementation in Banking Operations as an Element of Decision Support System”, 17th International Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS 2006), Varaždin, September 20-22, 2006., in Aurer, B., Bača, M. (eds.): Conference Proceedings, University of Zagreb – Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varaždin, 2006., pp. 407-412.
- Dukić, G.: “Transport Optimization Model on Corridor Vc”, 2nd International Scientific Symposium “Corridor Vc as Euro-Regional Connection on the Traffic Rout Baltic Sea – Central Europe – Adriatic Sea”, Osijek, November 11-12, 2005., in Mašek, A. (ed.): Symposium Proceedings, University of J.J. Strossmayer in Osijek – Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Osijek, 2006., pp. 265-277.